
10 Years of Abuse: A Filipina domestic helper in Jordan pleads for help

  • It’s already been ten years and she did not receive any compensation from her employer
  • Jurah wanted to escape but she can’t do it because she was guarded and not allowed to go out of the house
  • With the help of other Filipino workers in Jordan, she was able to reach out regarding her situation

An overseas Filipina worker, who served as domestic helper in Jordan, is asking for help from Pinoy citizens to inform her relatives living in Mindanao that she was abused in the hands of her employer.

A Facebook page, “Usapang OFW,” shared about the abuse committed to an OFW named Jurah Adjaraman from her female employer who is living at #15 second floor AL Hassan bin khallad st. Dir Akbar Amman, Jordan.

According to the “Usapang OFW” post, it’s already been ten years that she did not receive any compensation from her employer. She worked as a domestic helper in Jordan to look for money, but then she was asked to work for their neighbor and the money she gets was taken by her employer.

Jurah wanted to escape but she can’t do it because she was guarded and not allowed to go out of the house. She was also prohibited to use any gadgets to communicate and ask for help. It was her friend who was able to share her photo on the OFW page.

According to one of the comments posted on the page, she was still young when Juhra was brought to Jordan by the mother of her employer through an unidentified agency. With the help of the Filipino workers in Jordan, she was able to reach out regarding her situation.

For her to be able to return to the Philippines, she sometimes wanted to hide inside a luggage bag to escape from her employer.

A Facebook user who also happens to live in the same place as Juhra in Mindanao said that since it has been ten years that they didn’t have communication with her, most of her relatives thought she already died.

Written by Rhelyn Harder

An open-minded person who seeks to inspire readers through writing. She believes that having the freedom and courage to express oneself is an opportunity to influence others.

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