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Guys join the newest trend online: the “smallest cover challenge”

Netizens commended these contenders not because of their “nudity” but because of the fun and creativity they used to meet the challenge.

The game is on for the “smallest cover challenge” that was accepted by guys online.

The challenge is to take a photo of themselves nude, but covering their private part with anything they can think of, the smaller the better.

Initiating the challenge was a Facebook user who imitated a model of “Indulgence Series” who used a bottle of beer in covering his groin in 2019.

Many guys accepted the challenge and started bringing entertainment and fun to the netizens.

The smallest entry was posted by Jason Desaliza, a rap artist and songwriter. He used a cotton swab to cover up.

Netizens commended these contenders not because of their “nudity” but because of the fun and creativity they used to meet the challenge.

But, a post by a transgender woman created the biggest impact as she posted her photo where a “bulge” on her groin was visible.

At present, the trend continues online and more guys are accepting the challenge.

Written by Neil

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