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NTF-ELCAC’s Lorraine Badoy attacked for red-tagging CNN Philippines

Without citing any evidence, Badoy branded the LFS as a “known front” of the Communist Party of the Philippines, its armed wing the New People’s Army, and the National Democratic Front.

National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) spokesperson Lorraine Marie Badoy came under fire after red-tagging CNN Philippines for sharing the League of Filipino Students’ (LFS) request for donations on Twitter.

The (LFS) identifies as a leftist student organization and is asking people to send their donations to the victims of Super Typhoon Rolly and Typhoon Ulysses.

Without citing any evidence, Badoy branded the LFS as a “known front” of the Communist Party of the Philippines, its armed wing the New People’s Army, and the National Democratic Front.

Since the Anti-Subversion Law has already been repealed, joining the CPP is no longer considered illegal. In addition, similar groups are yet to be deemed as terrorists by local courts.

Meanwhile, right-leaning groups cautioned against red-tagging because the accused are usually subjected to harassment and even death threats.

Badoy asked if CNN Philippines was sheltering an LFS and College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP) cell in their network.

CNN Philippines said it “strongly objects” her “misplaced and baseless allusion.”

“We believe the back-to-back storms that ravaged our country to rise up from the ruins and practice the Filipino spirit of ‘Bayanihan’ in whatever capacity we can, rather than foray into red-tagging that will only sow disunity,” the TV network said.

It explained that the network also accentuated calls for donations from Caritas Manila, Kaya Natin PH, Ateneo de Manila University, the University of the Philippines, and more.

Badoy’s red-tagging was flat out “despicable,” said the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP).

“Such heartless behavior is a disgrace not only to her office but to the whole government she supposedly serves,” the NUJP said in a statement.

Badoy’s “totally irresponsible” accusations could expose CNN Philippines journalists and members of LFS and CEGP to potential harm.

NTF-ELCAC spokesperson Lt. Gen. Antonio Parlade Jr previously made baseless claims about communist rebels having “infiltrated” all the media outlets and even holding management positions.

NUJP said Parlade painted a virtual target on everyone who mans the country’s newsdesks and newsrooms” and has “slandered the whole industry.”

Badoy is one of the most despised government officials, and her recent red-tagging just made people dislike her more.

It seems the NTF-ELCAC is red-tagging just about anyone they suspect has ties to left-leaning groups.

One netizen says that Badoy has been used as a diversion tactic to distract people from the real issues affecting the country.

It is absurd how can Badoy even suspect CNN Philippines of being associated with left-leaning just by sharing a call for donations to typhoon victims, said one netizen.

Badoy has lost her ways and became a “sellout,” said a netizen.

Written by Charles Teves

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