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Meet the man without left arm and left lung but is stronger and fitter than you!

He may not be as normal looking as everyone else does but his physical capacities far exceeded most able-bodied people.

Luke Ericson was born without a left arm and most of his left lung missing. But this did not prevent him from doing everything he likes, even refusing to take the easy way out.

“If I want something bad enough, I’ll find a way to make it happen,” he said.

Eight years ago, he developed scoliosis and was told that he had type 1 diabetes. To do something about his health, he regularly hikes, rock climbs, swims, surfs and trains in his home in Hawaii.


Today, Luke is on a mission to be an inspiration to other people with disabilities and those facing struggles in life to never give up and be the best person they can be. The adaptive athlete took up crossfit and joins in worldwide competitions. Despite getting weird looks because of his physique, his ability to do planks, pull-ups and press ups put people to shame.

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Luke created inspiring videos showing his physical training in the gym doing a series of workouts.

In November, Luke and his videographer friend, Andrew Rizer, set out to produce a 10-minute clip documenting his preparation for the Wodapalooza Fitness Festival in Miami.

He said he have seen the effect of his story and how this affect other people’s lives and attitudes. ‘It started off with one or two people, then at my first competition it was hundreds, and now thousands.”

He continued:

“Everyday I get messages and letters about how my story has inspired and encouraged others to push through their own barriers and get their lives back on track. I get stopped by people at the gym who want to let me know that because they saw me, they were able to finish that last set, or didn’t quit their workout early and go home. When I go hiking I get stopped for photos and handshakes by people who express how they are going to push aside their excuses because they saw me pushing aside mine. And, I’m constantly contacted by other physically disabled individuals who thought they were the only one.” 

With that, he decided to create documentary of his own experiences sharing how he keeps pushing so he can make a difference in his own way.

In one of his videos, Luke said:

“It is your body, it is your life. You only get one of each, one body and one life, you want to enjoy your time on this earth. Being healthy, feeling healthy, there is nothing better than that,” adding that, “There is lots of people, lots with different, whether it’s physical disabilities or confidence issues and internal angst, that use it as an excuse for them not to do something, whether that be fitness or a job or a hobby that they love, or a relationship that they don’t pursue. They let all these different fears stop them from doing something. Just don’t. Don’t let anything or anyone stop you from being happy.”

Written by Team DailyPedia is created to carry on the very purpose of writing and reading online--- and that is to be connected to the world.

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