
Why Drink Water? Here are Top Ten Reasons That Will Benefit Your Health!

Water. In today’s era where people prefer everything with taste, people have been taking water for granted. Water, which the purest form of beverage, has already lost its popularity. But this drink should still be first on the list of your go-to-drinks. Not only is it pure and affordable, but it has many benefits to health that have been proven by many studies for years now.

Especially in our country where the season is almost always hot, people would rather drink ice cold soda, iced teas, the local “palamig” and ice cold frapuccinos for some people who can afford. The local ice tubig is not that popular anymore, and families prefer sodas or ice cold juices since the “litro pack” was first sold in stores, not just because it has become a tradition, but also because of aggressive advertising. However, truth is we actually have been missing a lot since we have taken for granted water.

Here are the health benefits of water you might want to take advantage of:

1. It helps with weight loss.

It has zero calories and it helps you feel full before and after a meal.

Photo Credit: Wisegeek
Photo Credit: Wisegeek

2. It moisturizes your skin.

Unlike other drinks that are diuretic, water hydrates and quenched our thirst without forcing us to have frequent trips to the washroom which can make us dehydrated more.

Photo Credit: Beauty Tips
Photo Credit: Beauty Tips

3. It helps treat your aches and pains.

Dehydration is one of the causes of headaches and other pains. That is why it is best to drink enough water to prevent and treat these different kinds of aches.

Photo Credit: Mapped Project
Photo Credit: Mapped Project

4. It helps make your colon healthy.

One of the causes of constipation is dehydration, and drinking water helps regulate our trips to the washroom.

Photo Credit: Huffington Post
Photo Credit: Huffington Post

5. It makes us become more productive.

This beverage helps us stay focused and alert making us more productive.

Photo Credit: Get Pure Water
Photo Credit: Get Pure Water

6. It helps your breath smell fresher.

It keeps our breath fresher by making our mouth moist and washing away particles and bacteria.

Photo Credit: Blisk 12
Photo Credit: Blisk 12

7. It can relieve your hangover.

A bad morning headache caused by an all-night booze is because alcohol is a diuretic that causes dehydration, drinking water relieves hangover by re-hydrating our bodies.

Photo Credit: Read and Digest
Photo Credit: Read and Digest

8. It helps fuel your muscles during workout.

Water helps us balance fluids and electrolytes in our bodies, therefore, helping our muscles perform well and prevent muscle fatigue.

Photo Credit: Women's Health Mag
Photo Credit: Women’s Health Mag

9. It helps your brain function better.

A study has shown that students who bring water during exams perform better and have higher scores.

Photo Credit: VRML
Photo Credit: VRML

10. It takes care of your kidneys.

Our kidneys that extra help in washing away what is not needed in our body. Drinking water helps transport waste and produce more urine to keep our systems clean.

Photo Credit: Lists Buzz
Photo Credit: Lists Buzz

Still contemplating on what to drink with your meal? Try the purest, most simplest form of beverage, water. Take advantage of all the benefits it can give you!

Written by G.A. Viray

G.A. had a lot of professional working experiences in different fields and industries before finally deciding to write articles in 2014. She is a Registered Nutritionist-Dietitian who also has a passion for teaching, training and facilitating. More than all her skills and passions, she is very much grateful that she is blessed with an adorable daughter and a loving husband.

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