
VIRAL: If Presidential Candidates were Nurses

A witty Facebook post about presidential candidates by a netizen has caught the attention of our readers.

In this viral post, the netizen provided his personal insights about presidential aspirants Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago, Sen. Grace Poe, Vice President Jejomar “Jojo” Binay, Davao City Mayor Rodrigo “Rody” Duterte, and former DILG secretary Manuel “Mar” Roxas II by comparing them to different types of nurses.

According to the netizen, Santiago is the type of nurse who holds degrees in PhD, MAN, MAEd, and  MPH. Saddul described Santiago as more intelligent than the Chief nurse and other doctors.

Poe was compared to a US Registered Nurse (USRN) lacking experience but assigned in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Meanwhile, the netizen said Binay is the nurse who comes from another ward and takes credit for the good performance of his ward. Supplies suddenly start missing when he’s the one on duty. Worse, he’ll even deny stealing the supplies even if it’s just the two of you in the room.;FTIzyvccBDDfT7trqroUHJMpIDrgClPJD5wX6QNxDeQDLfxDl.bps.a.1135200286513701.1073741833.701968973170170/1135200649846998/?type=3&theater

Duterte, on the other hand, is the type of nurse who is reliable and is well-loved by patients. He is suitable in the emergency room and disciplines hard-headed companions of patients. Patients feel secure when he is around and he’ll defend you from doctors or anyone if you’re on the right track.

Lastly, Roxas, whom the netizen compared to a veteran nurse, who has strong connections with the Chief nurse and the admin.

The photo quickly spread like wildfire on Facebook getting more than 60,000 shares in 24 hours.

Check out the viral post hereIf Presidential Aspirants were Nurses…

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