An unidentified corn farmer became a trending topic online after his photos surfaced on several Facebook pages.
Dubbed as the “corn man”, the farmer with a disability is now on par with the likes of carrot man, strawberry man, cabbage man, and many others who recently gained online popularity because of their looks. But unlike them, corn man earned the respect of netizens for his extraordinary motivation to earn a living and provide for his family despite his disability.

Despite not having arms to do everyday tasks, the corn farmer managed to harvest corn, do household chores, and even take care of his old mother. Corn man can even feed his mother using his mouth to hold the spoon.

Corn man’s life is indeed full of challenges but he didn’t let his physical shortcomings get the best of him. He overcame the difficulties of his condition and did what many men don’t have the guts to do: rise above themselves.