
This common chemical in plastics may increase the risk of preterm birth

A chemical commonly used in making plastic wrapping and food containers has been linked to preterm births.

Experts from the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston has warned against the dangers of Bisphenol A—or BPA—a chemical widely used in the construction and coatings of food containers. According to them, high concentrations of BPA may cause pregnant women to have preterm birth, which is the greatest contributor to infant death.


To arrive at this conclusion, the researchers analyzed blood samples of pregnant women brought into the hospital for labor and delivery. They also looked into the amniotic fluid of the fetus, which was collected during labor.

Pregnant women with increased levels of BPA in their blood had a higher probability of giving birth to a baby preterm, their findings revealed.

The scientists believe that BPA causes abnormal inflammation which has been found to increase pregnancy complications risks such as preterm birth and water breaking. This is because BPA, which is structurally similar to estrogen, binds with estrogen receptors including those responsible for inflammation.

Written by mmalabanan

Mini is a work-at-home mom from Laguna. Aside from writing, she's passionate about breastfeeding and homeschooling.

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