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Guy Bends an iPhone 6 Plus with his Bare Hands

Just recently several reports say that they found their new iPhone 6 Plus bended just by putting in in their front pocket. Now Lou from Unbox Therapy tested that by trying to bend his personal iPhone.

iPhone 6 Plus Bend Test_Full-HD_148715
Screencap from YouTube
iPhone 6 Plus Bend Test_Full-HD_126893
Screencap from YouTube

iPhone 6 Plus is made of Aluminum which is a very malleable metal which bends easily. We’ll simply see that the bend created was directly below the volume buttons where the battery is located and where most of the reports say. Shortly after the Video was uploaded a lot of viewers requested another video for him to try bending the Galaxy Note 3, which he also did but before he bent the Note 3 he tried to straighten up his iPhone 6 and the screen cracked.

Galaxy Note 3 Bend Test (iPhone 6 Plus Follow-up)_HD_32399
iPhone 6 with Screen Cracked
Galaxy Note 3 Bend Test (iPhone 6 Plus Follow-up)_HD_136103
Trying to bend the Galaxy Note 3

So what can you say, does the bend test turn you off from buying the New iPhone or will you just buy the smaller iPhone just because it’s less prone to bending? Leave your comments below!

Written by Team DailyPedia is created to carry on the very purpose of writing and reading online--- and that is to be connected to the world.

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