In Kalibo, Aklan, the parents of a 12-year-old girl were shocked to learn she gave birth at the hospital, after she was rushed there for intense stomach pains.
They claimed they had no idea she was pregnant, especially because she is still very young, is still in Grade 7, has no boyfriend they know of, and allegedly had her period every month prior to her giving birth.
Earlier, the parents had brought the girl to a quack doctor when they noticed her abdomen was getting bigger. Quite surprisingly, the quack doctor told them the girl has cancer [that’s surprising because quack doctors rarely ‘diagnose’ a person with cancer].

Photo credit: unboredable
Though they were puzzled by the child’s condition, the parents did not think of taking her to a real doctor for proper diagnosis.
It was her elder sister who brought her to the hospital after she complained of intense stomach pains. By morning, she gave birth to a healthy baby.
The parents expressed their shock over the event but clammed up when the media arrived.
To date, the child is among the youngest to have given birth in the Philippines; though the ‘record’ is held by a girl from Barangay Turo in Bocaue who gave birth when she was 9, as was reported on March 20, 2007.
Was she raped?
She’s 12 years old of course she was raped, a 12 year old can’t give consent .
I think not all of the information are true some of it is not… she’s still on the 5th grade and her baby is in the icu because it was born premature….
not understand to 12 years old he she my baby’s
The girl on the picture is not a filipina. This article is a lie.