A new law in Fort Lauderdale, Florida was implemented banning people from sharing their meals with other people. It states that outdoor feeding programs require a permit of the property owner and that portable toilets should be provided. Not only that, the stations must be within 50 feet away from residential properties.
On Sunday, a 90-year-old man was arrested for breaking the city law. Arnold Abbott was detained after he was reported handing out food to homeless people in a park. He was charged a $500 fine and 60 days imprisonment.

Not only was he the one charged for feeding the members of the public. Two Christian ministers named Pastor Dwayne Black and Mark Sims were also arrested for weekly preparing hundreds of meals to give to other people.

While the police arrest the ‘lawbreakers’, onlookers shouted in anger, “Shame on you!” pointing to the officers.
One officer even yelled at Abbott, “drop the plate right now!”
In an interview with NBC News, Abbott says,
These are the poorest of the poor, they have nothing, they don’t have a roof over their heads. How do you turn them away? I don’t do things to purposefully aggravate the situation. I’m trying to work with the city. Any human has the right to help his fellow man.
This was not the first time Abbott was involved in the feeding-the-homeless issue. In 1999, he filed a suit against the City of Fort Lauderdale for prohibiting him from giving food to the homeless on the beach.
The court declared that the law was against the Constitution.
Other cities including Seattle, Phoenix, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Dallas are looking at this law which was implemented last week.
Meanwhile, Abbott says he is once again planning to sue the city, adding that he will continue to feed the homeless people.
Who made and approved this law?
Let’s remember that our body is holy, as the temple of God.
Whatever you have done to your brethren, you also do it to Him.
Is sharing our meals to the less ones a civil and criminal offense?
Do you have a heart of stone?!