0 Votes in Latest News, News & Culture, Social Media Former drug addict graduates from Nursing course and now pursues goal of becoming a doctor 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in Latest News, News & Culture, Social Media One-legged girl who walked 4 kms everyday inspired netizens with her determination to finish her studies 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in Latest News, News & Culture, Social Media Mother breastfeeds his son in a pageant to inspire mothers-to-be promote and practice breastfeeding 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in Latest News, News & Culture, Social Media “Call center agents are ‘social climbers’ for buying Starbucks coffee.” Netizen overhears 2 college students say 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in Family, News & Culture, Social Media Fresh grad visits grave of deceased parents, devotes her college degree to them 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in Family, News & Culture, Social Media A father who wore his military uniform during a ceremony is seen to be “pasikat” by other visitors; daughter defends his father on social media 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in Animals, News & Culture, Social Media Millions of sharks died because of finning each year, one was found in an island in Siargao 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in Animals, News & Culture, Social Media Young fowl breeder used his passion to graduate from college 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in News & Culture, Relationships, Social Media Netizen helps a no-read no-write mother send money for daughter who plans to spend it on her anniversary with BF 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in News & Culture, Social Media Netizens are furious at two angry women who cut a bus’s lane and ended up complaining over a near-crash 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in News & Culture, Social Media Orphaned boy due to typhoon Yolanda graduates despite living in the streets 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in News & Culture, Social Media Zamboanga’s ‘little person’ has become an inspiration to many 0 points Upvote Downvote