0 Votes in Music, Social Media Kai Honasan, Eco Del Rio got Engaged; Father Gringo Honasan Reacts 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in News & Culture, Social Media Netizens are Shookt after Group of Friends Fulfill Man’s Dying Wish to Held a Festive Funeral for Him 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in Arts & Crafts, Social Media Photographer Compares Photoshoot On A Budget And With A Budget 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in Health News, Social Media Grieving Father Shames Doctors of PGH for Experimenting on His Daughter who has Hirschsprung’s disease 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in News & Culture, Social Media Netizen Praised Pharmacists who Exerted their Efforts to Provide a Better Service to Customers 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in News & Culture, Social Media Jeepney Driver Refused to Accept Passengers’ Fare; The Reason Behind His Act is Truly Saddening 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in Animals, Social Media LOOK: Netizen Cooks Flowerhorn Fish, Compares its Taste to Tilapia 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in News & Culture, Social Media Fastfood Crew Criticized by Teenagers for His Smell; Reveals an Inspiring Story for His Scent 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in News & Culture, Social Media Man offers her a ₱500 bill, masturbates outside her window 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in Relationships, Social Media Woman Shares What Furious Girlfriend did to Her Cheater Boyfriend’s Car 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in News & Culture, Social Media Young Man Tells Story of Being Fooled by Crooks who Turned His Phone into a Folded Newspaper 0 points Upvote Downvote
0 Votes in News & Culture, Social Media Fastfood Grillman Shares His Blessing by Giving Away Fifty Burgers to Street Kids and Random People 0 points Upvote Downvote